Tag Archives: witches of Salem

Five science things we learned in school that are not true

In the scientific world, new discoveries are made almost every day.
Due to new achievements and discoveries, something that older generations learned in school is now outdated and scientific facts have been changed, writes Business Insider.

For example, we believed that diamond is the hardest mineral in the world, but in fact the hardest structure in the world is ultra-hard nanoconnected cubic boron nitride.

Although it was widely believed around the world that the witches of Salem were burned at the stake, the truth is that they were actually sentenced to death by hanging.

Also, we believed that the pyramids were built by Jewish slaves, but the truth is that they were built by the Egyptians themselves because there were no Jews then. Experts claim that they even got their own crypts in the pyramids.

It was believed that paper could not be folded more than seven times, while a group of students in 2012 failed to fold stacks of toilet paper 13 times.

One of the most commonly used scientific facts believed to be the Great Wall of China is the only structure that can be seen from space, but the first Chinese astronaut himself admitted that he failed to see the wall during his stay in space.

News and Science

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