Tag Archives: old

Why do some of us look young and some look much older?

The results of detailed research by American scientists on the process of biological aging of people showed a radical difference between their biological and chronological pace of aging.
Some people age three times faster than their calendar peers who are bypassed by the merciless ravages of time because they have excellent genes or because it is influenced by the environment.

Scientists who participated in the research of 954 thirty-eight-year-olds from the same New Zealand city, during the research took into account 18 biomarkers to establish the speed at which their organisms age.

Among other things, blood cholesterol level, heart muscle health, lung function, state of capillaries in the back of the eye, telomere length, body weight, kidney function, gum health…

Biomarkers were measured in volunteers at the age of 26, 32, and 38, which enabled scientists to precisely determine the rate at which their bodies age.

According to the data published in the professional journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, it was shown that the biological age of the research participants varied between 28 and 61 years.

“The intention of the scientists is to conduct the same research among the elderly population, but if we want to prevent diseases that develop with regard to age, we must focus on studying the biological aging process of younger people.

“Aging increases the risk of developing various diseases, including malignant ones, and we are doing this to try to prevent the simultaneous development of several diseases in old age, and the next step is to find out what affects the pace of aging,”

said Prof. Terrie Moffitt from Duke University in the US.

Most of the research participants were found to be compatible when it came to their chronological and biological age. In individuals, the body, that is, the organism, aged three times faster in relation to their chronological age, and in some – time seemed to stand still.

“If we knew more about the biological aging process, we could treat people more fairly” of the same chronological age, says Moffitt, explaining that for some people, the time to retire at a certain age is actually too early because they are still in full force. Although it is still early to draw concrete conclusions, the research will help in testing methods to slow down the aging process.

“If we really want to find a way to slow down the aging process in order to prevent the development of a number of diseases in old age, we will have to conduct research on younger people. The results of the research give us hope that medicine will be able to slow down aging and enable people to live healthier and more active lives “,

concludes Moffitt.

News and Science

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