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Is time travel possible?

Although it has not yet been constructed in any major scientific center, a time machine is theoretically possible and for centuries it has sparked the imagination of writers and the thought experiments of scientists…

The idea of time travel is almost as old as human civilization. One of the earliest evidences is recorded in the ancient Indian epic Mahabharata. King Reviata travels to another world to face the god Brahma. But when he returned, he realized that centuries had passed on Earth in the meantime.

One of the more famous time machines in science fiction was designed in 1895 by H. Dž. Wells in the novel The Time Machine, which was first published in sequels in Palmal magazine. Wells was also the creator of the term “time machine”, and his work experienced a large number of reissues and film adaptations, and in the following decades, as well as today, he inspired numerous other authors and creators of some new time machines.

However, except in the mind, there was no attempt to build time machines. However, it is still not impossible, at least in Albert Einstein’s theory of relativity. According to her, if a fast spaceship were to move at a relativistic speed close to the speed of light of 300,000 km/s, more time would pass on Earth than on the spaceship. That phenomenon, predicted by the relativistic equations, is called time dilation and stems from the fact that every reference system in Einstein’s physics has its own time.

This idea encouraged new thought experiments, the more famous of which are the paradox of the time tourist, the paradox of the twins, the paradox of the grandfather…

Here’s an example: suppose that time travel is indeed possible. A man decided to travel back in time, find and kill his own grandfather before he met his grandmother. This would mean that one parent of the time traveler was never conceived. However, we can now conclude that man from the beginning of history could not even travel through time and look for his grandfather, because he could not even be born since one of his parents did not exist.

But if he didn’t time travel for murder, his grandfather is still alive which means our great traveler will still be born, then time travel and kill his grandfather. The conclusion that arises is that, instead of doubting the possibility of the birth of the traveler, the possibility of time travel is questioned. This “paradox of the grandfather” was first discussed by the French writer René Berjave in his book The Careless Traveler from 1943.

News and Science

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