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A review of the problems faced by intelligent people.

Intelligent people are always expected to be the best, no matter what it is. Because of this, they often feel the pressure of society and have no one to talk to about their weaknesses and insecurities.
These are the six negative sides of intelligence.

Smart people often think more than feel

Intelligent people often have trouble not feeling any relief when expressing their emotions. Namely, they express their emotions more verbally, while those who are less intelligent try to express them through physical reactions – hitting, running, screaming, crying, dancing or jumping for happiness.

Ultimately, the emotions of intelligent people remain trapped within them, regardless of their verbal expression. Scientists cannot determine exactly how emotional and cognitive abilities are related, but they have found that highly intelligent people do not need to rely on emotional skills to solve problems.

People always expect them to be top notch in everything

Intelligent people are always expected to be the best, no matter what it is. Because of this, they often feel the pressure of society and have no one to talk to about their weaknesses and insecurities. The problem also arises when parents expect too much from their smart children. Namely, because of their children’s great abilities, parents focus on what their children will do, instead of what their children actually are.

They may never learn to appreciate the value of hard work

Many smart people often feel that they can get by with much less effort than others. But a high IQ does not always lead straight to success. Intelligence can become a problem for people who discover they have it and don’t have to work as hard as others to succeed, and thus never develop a good work ethic. Scientists also claim that intelligent people feel that they don’t have to work hard to achieve what they want.

People can get angry if they are constantly being corrected

When an intelligent person notices that his interlocutor has said something completely incorrect, it is difficult for him to suppress the need for clarification or correction. However, it is important to be aware of the fact that other people may be confused and offended by such behavior, and that there is a risk of losing friends. If you correct people every time you talk to them, they will stop talking or hanging out with you.

They overthink things

A common trait of all intelligent people is spending too much time thinking and analyzing. They try to give everything an existential meaning, which leads to the fact that they are constantly in a vicious circle. Mostly they try to find answers to questions that no one has been able to answer so far, and that can be done in vain. The problem also arises when making decisions. Then smart people try to analyze all the possible consequences, which in the end can lead to the decision not even being made in the end.

They understand how much they don’t know

Super-intelligent people are often aware that there is a lot they don’t really know, and no matter how hard they try, there will always be something they don’t know. This observation, although good, can also be frustrating because the more you learn, the more aware you are of how much more you actually have to learn.

News and Science

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