Tag Archives: Geography

Pyramid in Helinikon: Scientists have not been able to find out when it was built for any purpose

The two pyramids in Helinikon were first discovered in the 2nd century BC. mentioned by the Greek geographer Pausanias. Today there is only one, and what particularly attracts the attention of researchers is that it is still unknown how old it is, nor what its purpose was.

Usually when we talk about pyramids we think of those in Egypt, Mexico or Peru, although their presence has been recorded in other parts of the world. One of them is also found in Europe, more precisely in Argolis and what is even more interesting is not a recent discovery at all because the Greek geographer and traveler Pausanias wrote about the existence of not one, but two pyramids in Helinikon as early as the 2nd century BC.

Namely, in his Description of Greece, he talks about two buildings with a pyramidal structure, one of which is located twenty kilometers southwest of the one that still exists today. His opinion was that soldiers who died in the legendary battle fought in Argos were most likely buried there:

“On the road from Argos to Epidaurus, on the right, there is a building similar to a pyramid, on which Argive shields are carved in relief. Here the battle for the throne took place between Praetos and Akrisius; and the duel, they say, ended in a draw and a reconciliation, because neither neither could win. A common grave was built for those who fell, since they were fellow citizens and relatives.”

Modern researchers doubt this hypothesis, primarily because it is a small structure of about 7 m x 9 m with walls rising at an angle of 60 degrees and whose height does not exceed 3.5 m. The first excavations were undertaken by the German archaeologist Theodor Wiegand at the beginning of the 20th century, and his work was continued by researchers from the American School of Archeology in Athens and concluded that the building was a kind of watchtower.

Controversies related to estimated age

More recent research began in the 1990s under the direction of Greek archaeologist Ioannis Lirikas, who estimates that there are at least 20 other similar structures in Greece. He then discovered in their interior pottery from different periods, lamps, glasses, bowls, plates and large pitos – egg-shaped vessels used to store grains and oil. All the findings were so mixed that it was not possible to determine their age.

In addition, the analyzes that Lirikas and his team conducted inside and around the building using the thermoluminescence technique failed to convince other scientists of the accuracy of the data. First of all, the inner blocks were selected for sampling, seven of which were dated to the period between 2500 and 2000 BC, while the estimated age of the two ceramic vessels was between 3000 and 660 BC. This is considered an extremely wide range that suggests that is perhaps even older than the Great Pyramids, but it is also impossible to say with certainty when exactly it was built.

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What can we know about the future new supercontinent-Amasia?

The formation and separation of continents is part of the Earth’s geological cycle. With the help of computer models, researchers from Australia have predicted when and where a new supercontinent will form. The Earth’s landscape, characterized by vast oceans and endless continents, is constantly changing.

A new model developed by Australian scientists now predicts that the Pacific Ocean will disappear, bringing the continents closer together to form a new supercontinent called Amaziah, around the North Pole.
But not for another 200 or 300 million years. The scenario projected by scientists from Curtin University in Australia and Peking University in China predicts that the Americas will move to the west and Asia to the east, Antarctica to South America, that Africa will merge with Asia on one side and Europe on the other – and form Amaziah. This research paper was published in the journal National Science Review.


“Our result shows that with the centennial cooling of the Earth’s mantle, the total strength of the ocean will weaken, and the Pacific will shrink enough to become a smaller ocean than the expanding Atlantic and Indian oceans.”

said lead author Dr. Chuan Huang, from Kartin’s Earth Dynamics Research Group and the School of Earth and Planetary Sciences.

The name “Amazia” arose from the belief that America would merge with Asia.

The last supercontinent, known as Pangea, separated into continents about 180 million years ago. It encompassed almost all of Earth’s land mass and was surrounded by a global ocean called Pantalasa. In the latest projection, researchers used a supercomputer to simulate the formation of supercontinents.
Computer modeling shows that the Pacific is already shrinking by a few centimeters each year. Dr. Huang predicts that Australia will collide first with Asia and eventually merge with the Americas, before the Pacific Ocean disappears.

Other scenarios

In the past, scientists predicted three different scenarios in addition to Amasia: Novopangea, Pangea Ultima, and Auric. This research casts doubt on the possibility of those other scenarios.

“One hundred percent certainty is a rather aggressive term that is rarely used in science, especially when we are talking about the evolutionary trend of the complex Earth system that we are just beginning to fully understand,” explains Zheng Xiang Li, co-author of the study.

“All the various models you’ve read about [including our work] are just hypotheses, and our prediction is based on our modeling results which are themselves limited by our current knowledge and number of assumptions (as with all similar work). “
It is estimated that the Earth is about 4.5 billion years old. In its geological cycle, dynamic movements and the separation of continents occur routinely. Continents are moved by the movement of tectonic plates under the ocean.

“We created spherical Earth-like systems with the help of supercomputers, mimicking Earth’s internal structures, properties and processes such as plate tectonics and mantle convection. We then ran a series of model simulations to see which factor(s) might control how supercontinents form.” , says Lee.

Among numerous scientists, the great earthquake that hit Nepal this year emphasized that the continents are still in the process of forming a new supercontinent.

Researchers are examining changes that will occur over several tens of millions of years. Geologist Zheng-Xiang Li, after the great earthquake, traveled to Nepal to use new seismological instruments to study the collision of the Indian and Eurasian tectonic plates. For now, there is no excessive fear among scientists that the tectonic plates will change their structure somewhat excessively.

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