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Why is it important to express your feelings and emotions, both good and bad?

Expressing feelings and emotions has always been considered a sign of weakness, especially when it comes to men. However, over the years, society has begun to realize how wrong that belief actually is.
In fact, being able to express and process feelings is very useful for us. Happiness, anger, frustration, excitement – release those feelings!
Keep reading to learn more about the benefits of expressing your feelings and emotions.

  1. It’s healthy for everyone

Being able to express feelings of happiness or even sadness is incredibly healthy. Scientists have long believed that what we feel significantly affects the way our body reacts. When we are happy, our body feels nurtured. When we are sad or angry, our body also has to release some tension. Expressing feelings and emotions is important because it serves as an outlet for us. Why is it dangerous to keep all negative feelings to yourself? When you think about it, all that repressed negativity has to “go” somewhere. In the most unfortunate cases, this negative energy manifests as illness.

  1. It helps you develop

Expressing your feelings helps you develop as a person. Some feelings may not be very pleasant, but allowing yourself to feel them makes it easier for you to understand them. Start by asking yourself questions you wouldn’t normally ask yourself. In a way it makes you look at situations without colored glasses and also teaches you to recognize what other people are feeling.

  1. It sets you free

Can you imagine not being able to express your feelings at all? Many children who grow up in “strict families” often do not know what it means to be free. They are mostly protected and occasionally even have to deal with repressed feelings. However, once they are released from control, they feel light and free, and when a person feels that way, the world is new again. The will to live increases drastically.
Expressing feelings and emotions is really very important. However, it is also very important that we learn how to do it properly. For example, being angry does not give you the right to destroy someone’s room or to be mean and abusive to others. By directing your feelings in the right way, you will be able to live a meaningful life.

Are emotions good and bad?

We have all been taught that certain emotions are bad, such as fear and anger, and some are good, such as happiness and joy. Do you judge emotions that way? If so, you may be disappointed when we tell you that emotions are neither good nor bad.
They are simply our feedback system to ourselves, an alarm of sorts about what is happening to us right now.
Imagine looking at a beautiful sunset and feeling absolutely nothing, or holding a newborn child and feeling no joy… Or imagine feeling absolutely no sadness in response to the death of a loved one…

Emotions happen, regardless of whether we are aware of them or not. Therefore, they tell us exactly what is happening to us. Precisely for this reason, we should accept, feel and express our emotions, because then we open up opportunities to improve our life. If we ignore or even worse suppress emotions deep inside or express them in an inappropriate way, what they are not, then we have opened the door for emotions to rule our lives and thereby limit us.
A lot of people believe that they should constantly experience pleasure and joy in order to be happy in life. But that’s not the point. These are just one of the many emotions we experience.

Unfortunately, in most cases when we are children we are not taught how to appreciate the emotional part of ourselves or how to accept emotions. Instead, it very often happens that parents punish children because they cry or get angry about something, and then beliefs arise such as it is a weakness to show emotions, real men don’t cry, it’s not nice to see girls who get angry and similar, which is why we experience obstacles in our life. Whatever your belief is, know that it is your belief that determines whether your emotions rule your life.

What role do emotions play in your life? What is your belief about emotions?

News and Science

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