Tag Archives: DNA

Archaeologists uncover the secrets of legendary dwarf peoples: From Taiwan to Siberia

Archaeologists have confirmed one of the legends of Taiwan: the island was once inhabited by dark-skinned and short people. Scientists say that traces of such peoples can be found everywhere – from Siberia to Great Britain.

An unexpected find

From generation to generation in Taiwan, the legend about the dark-skinned dwarf people was passed down. Its members lived high in the mountains and spoke an incomprehensible language, and then mysteriously disappeared.
Until recently, there was no material evidence of this myth. At the same time, scientists doubted that dark-skinned people could once have lived on the island. The Taiwanese natives were believed to be Austronesians, who came there from China. They moved to new territories about five thousand years ago, and then moved throughout Oceania.
This year, however, a joint expedition of archaeologists from Australia, Vietnam and Japan found an unusual tomb of a woman in the cave complex of Xiaoma, on the east coast of the island. The deceased was buried in a sitting position, with her knees firmly pressed against her head, that is, in a manner that is not in accordance with the tradition of that region.
The results of the radiocarbon analysis showed that the remains of that woman are about six thousand years old, but the scientists were most surprised by her dimensions.

“The length of the femurs was 35 centimeters. The skull was much smaller than usual. Based on those proportions, anthropologists concluded that the woman was no taller than 140 centimeters”,

said the head of the expedition, University of Guam professor Mike Carson.

Archaeologists immediately realized that they were representatives of a legendary people of short stature, and further analyzes of the remains convinced them of this.

“The skull’s DNA testifies that it is genetically close to African specimens from a similar period. Its size and shape are reminiscent of the Pygmies who lived in the territory of modern South Africa,”

the research results stated.

Mike Carson’s team is convinced that the woman from Siaoma Cave is a member of the Negritos, the indigenous people of Asia who came there from Africa. Members of that group are many peoples in the Philippines, some natives of Australia and the Andaman Islands. All of them are characterized by short stature (from 140 to 150 centimeters) and dark skin.
Now, when the Taiwanese legend has been confirmed, scientists have an equally important task – to clarify why the Negritos disappeared from the island. For now, they believe that they were suppressed by the Austronesians who settled there.

They are not that small after all

Experts state that stories about dwarf peoples are characteristic of almost all regions of the world. In Europe, for example, stories about gnomes are known, whose prototype, according to many mythology lovers, are the Picts – a tribe that inhabited the northeast of Scotland in the first centuries of our era.
Their character was greatly popularized by the poet Robert Louis Stevenson. In his ballad “Heather Ale” (“Heather’s Honey”) the Picts are represented as short people living in underground caves. There are also those who believe that it was the Picts that served John Tolkien as the basis for the creation of Hobbits – dwarf humanoid beings that inhabit Middle Earth. The author himself, however, denied such conclusions in numerous accompanying notes for his legendarium.

The history of the Picts is for the most part riddled with questions. “There are two points of view regarding their origin. According to the first, the Picts are the indigenous inhabitants of Britain, who came there in the early Bronze Age. Based on that, they could be considered the first representatives of Indo-Europeans in Europe. According to another point of view, which is more realistic, they were a Celtic tribe that separated from their relatives quite early,” says historian Klim Zhukov.
The main source for the culture of the Picts is the numerous stones with inscriptions that they left in the entire territory they inhabited. Their language has not been deciphered to this day, so it is impossible to read those inscriptions carved into the stone.

However, the memories of their enemies were preserved. Until the 5th century, the dwarf people actively waged war against the Roman Empire. In the works of ancient historians and politicians, memories of “people of short stature” can be found.
The revelations of recent years, however, completely deny this fact. In 2016, archaeologists found the skeleton of a man in the village of Rosmark in the north of Scotland, who was determined to have died between 430 and 630 AD.
“In that period, the region was inhabited by the Picts.” The man whose skeleton was found had a very solid build and was quite tall for that time – 167 centimeters,” said a participant in the expedition, University of Leicester professor Simon Gunn.
Three years later, in another Scottish settlement, Muir Ord, scientists excavated a large necropolis. All the tombs date back to the 7th century, but the main discovery was that the average height of the deceased was between 160 and 170 centimeters. Based on that, it could be said that the legendary ones were not as small as it seems to us.

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Will we ever be able to clone dinosaurs?

We asked Riley Black, a science writer specializing in evolution, paleontology and natural history, to weigh in on the film’s basic premise — that dinosaurs were cloned using DNA taken from mosquitoes.

Time is a critical factor.

The last of the non-avian dinosaurs – undeniably fearsome
that haunt museum halls and our dreams – they became extinct 66 million years ago. It’s so far away from us that we can’t even fathom how long it’s been, and we’ve lost any chance we had of cloning dinosaurs in the relatively short time since the late Cretaceous mass extinction.

This isn’t the dinosaur mix you’re looking for…

You may have heard that paleontologist Mary Schweitzer and colleagues recovered some soft-tissue remains from the Cretaceous dinosaur Tyrannosaurus and the hadrosaur Brachylophosaurus. These claims have been controversial, but cannot be dismissed. Schweitzer and others have built a stunning argument that in exceptional cases, fragments of the original dinosaur protein may have survived to the present day. But that’s not what we need to clone a dinosaur. The starting point of any dinosaur resurrection exercise is DNA. Unfortunately for paleo geeks like myself, DNA has a relatively short half-life. There is almost no chance of ever recovering the genetic material of the dinosaurs.

Looking at the bones of recently extinct bird-like dinosaurs—specifically, the 8,000- to 600-year-old bones of giant flightless birds called moas that once walked New Zealand—the geneticists calculated that DNA has a half-life of 521 years. That’s longer than researchers expected, but nowhere near long enough to allow us to ever get DNA from a Tyrannosaurus or Triceratops (much less much older dinosaurs like Brachiosaurus and Dilophosaurus). Even under ideal conditions where the bones would remain dry and chilled at -5 degrees Celsius or below, the creature’s entire genome would have been wiped out within 6.8 million years, or about 59 million years less than the last non-avian dinosaurs.

Parasaurolophus puzzle

Any ancient dinosaur DNA would show up in tiny and gray, just like the Ice Age mammoths, Neanderthals, giant sloths, and saber-toothed cats that provided the genetic minutiae. The trick is to identify those parts and figure out where they belong in the animal’s complete genome. It requires a baseline derived from a close relative – modern Asian elephants work for mammoths, and our own genome for Neanderthals.

But living bird dinosaurs are so far away Pachicephalosaurus and that their utility in revealing the genome arrangement of non-avian dinosaurs would be quite limited. And that’s not to mention pseudogenes and non-functional parts of the genome. We haven’t even fully sequenced the genome of our own species—we’re still at about 99 percent of the functional part—so we’re pretty far from completely reconstructing an extinct genome.

Raptor by any other name

So a Velociraptor or Tyrannosaurus genome would not be a feat of resurrection, but of reinvention. Even if it were possible to obtain dinosaur DNA, we would have to reverse-engineer dinosaur genomes according to our best possible estimates of their anatomy and behavior. There are more obstacles. Creating a complete DNA profile gets you nowhere if those genetic cues can’t be translated into a viable embryo that will grow to maturity. It is understandable that Michael Crichton and the film adaptations of his work completely obscured this point, especially since researchers cannot clone birds.

It’s easy enough to say – We’ll stick an artificial nucleus in an ostrich egg and the rest will take care of itself, but that ignores the intrinsically biological interactions that actually make up a living, growing organism. Since birds committed the growth of their offspring outside the body, there may not even be a way to successfully clone a bird, so there would be no method by which we could bring back the dinosaurs even if we had all the necessary raw materials.

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How biologists solved one of the “unsolvable problems” with the help of artificial intelligence

One of the biggest mysteries in biology has been largely solved with the help of artificial intelligence, experts announced.

Predicting how proteins fold into unique three-dimensional shapes has puzzled scientists for half a century. DeepMind, a London laboratory that uses artificial intelligence, has solved this problem to a large extent, according to the organizers of the extraordinary scientific competition.

A better understanding of the shape of proteins could play a key role in the development of new drugs to treat various diseases.
DeepMind’s discovery is expected to accelerate the study of a large number of diseases, including Covid-19, which has been active in previous years. Their program determined the shape of the protein at a level of accuracy comparable to expensive and time-consuming laboratory methods, they say. Dr Andrei Kristafovich, from the University of California, one of the panel of scientific arbitrators, described the achievement as “truly extraordinary”.

“Being able to explore protein shapes quickly and accurately has the potential to revolutionize scientific life,” he says.

What are proteins?

Proteins are present in all living things, where they play a key role in chemical processes essential to life.

Made from a series of amino acids, they fold in countless possible ways into complex shapes that hold the key to how they perform vital functions.
Many diseases are linked to proteins’ roles in catalyzing chemical reactions (enzymes), fighting disease (antibodies), or acting as chemical messengers (hormones such as insulin).

“Even tiny rearrangements of these vital molecules can have catastrophic consequences for our health, so one of the most effective ways to understand a disease and find new ways to treat it is to study the proteins involved.”

says Dr. John Molt of of the University of Maryland, in the USA, chairing the panel of scientific arbitrators.

“There are tens of thousands of human proteins and many billions of them in other species, including bacteria and viruses, but determining the shape of just one requires expensive equipment and can take years.”

How does the competition work?

In 1972, Christian Anfinsen received the Nobel Prize for work that showed that it is possible to determine the shape of a protein based on the sequence of amino acids it is made of.

Every two years, a large number of teams from more than 20 countries blindly try to predict the shapes of sets of about 100 proteins based on their amino acid sequences with the help of computers.
At the same time, biologists create 3D structures in the laboratory using traditional techniques such as X-ray crystallography and NMR spectroscopy, which determine the location of each atom relative to each other in their protein molecule. A team of scientists from Casp (Community-wide Experiment for the Critical Appraisal of Techniques for Protein Structure Prediction) then compares these predictions with 3D structures made using experimental methods.
Kasp uses a measurement method known as the global distance test to assess accuracy, ranging from 0-100. A score of around 90, achieved by DeepMind’s AlphaFold program, is considered comparable to laboratory techniques.

What happened this year?

In the latest round of the competition, Casp-14, AlphaFold determined the shape of about two-thirds of the proteins with an accuracy comparable to laboratory experiments.

The arbitrators said that the shape accuracy of most other proteins was also high, though not quite at that level. AlphaFold is based on a concept called deep learning. In this process, the structure of folded proteins is represented by a spatial graph. The program then “learns” using information about the 3D shapes of known proteins stored in the Public Protein Database.
An artificial intelligence program managed to do in just a few days what would take years in a laboratory.

How will this information be used?

Knowing the 3D structure of proteins is important for making drugs and understanding human diseases, including cancer, dementia and infectious diseases. One example is Covid-19, in which scientists studied how the spike protein on the surface of the Sars-CoV-2 virus interacts with receptors in human cells. Professor Andrew Martin of University College London (UCL), a former Caps participant and current arbitrator, told the BBC that “understanding how a protein sequence folds in three dimensions is really one of the fundamental questions of biology.”

“The entire way a protein functions depends on its three-dimensional structure, and protein function is important for everything related to health and disease.”

“By knowing the three-dimensional structure of proteins, we can help develop drugs and intervene in health problems, whether it’s infections or hereditary diseases.”

Professor Dame Janet Thornton, of EMBL’s European Bioinformatics Institute in Hinxton, UK, said how proteins fold to create “extremely unique three-dimensional shapes” is one of the greatest mysteries in biology.

What will happen next?

And other scientists will want to study the data to determine how accurate this AI method is and how well it works at the level of detail. There are still large gaps in knowledge, including understanding how multiple proteins fit together and how proteins interact with other molecules such as DNA and RNA.

“Now that the problem is largely solved for individual proteins, the way is open to the development of new methods for determining the shape of protein complexes – collections of proteins that cooperate to shape the bulk of the machinery of life and other applications.”

says Dr. Kristafovich.

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