Tag Archives: death

The older you are, the less likely you are to die

This was determined by a statistical analysis published in the journal Science of the survival probability of about 4,000 people who reached the age of 105 or more.

A team of scientists, led by demographer Elizabeth Barbi from the University of Sapienza and statistician Francesco Lagon from the University of Roma Tre in Rome, concluded that the risk of death, which seems to increase with age, balances out after the age of 105, creating a kind of “mortality plateau” “.
According to scientists, since that time, the chances of someone dying before reaching their next birthday are half-and-half.

French demographer Jean-Marie Robin, who was not involved in the research, believes that if there is a balance in mortality, there is no limit to human longevity. Scientists have long debated whether there is an upper age limit to life in humans.
The consensus is that the risk of death increases systemically in adulthood, until about age eighty.

But there is great disagreement about what happens when people reach their ninetieth or hundredth year.

Some scientists have reexamined demographic data and concluded that there is a fixed, natural “expiry” of the human species and that the death rate continues to rise. Others have gone through the same data and concluded that the risk of death levels off at a very advanced age and that, accordingly, human lifespan has no upper limit. In 2016, a group of geneticists reopened that debate by analyzing the recorded ages of the world’s oldest individuals. They estimated that human longevity peaks at the age of 115. The group substantiated this with the example of only a few individuals who have lived the longest possible lifespan since the mid-nineties.

On the other hand, research published in various journals claims the same thing. According to Donald Roland, the world is facing a new global trend of increasing the number of old people, which will lead to a series of social changes worldwide. Namely, in 1950, no country had more than 11 percent of the population over 65 years old. In 2000, this number increased to 18 percent, and by 2050, scientists predict that as many as 38 percent of the total population will be older than the mentioned age. Only in the last quarter of the twentieth century, this number increased by a full six percent, while at the same time a serious decline in fertility was recorded. According to Roland, the world will soon have more pensioners than children, considering that they will make up as much as a quarter or a third of the number of nations.

In this connection, numerous economic studies were conducted that predicted a large burden on pension funds and calculated how many young, able-bodied people would have to work to support just one pensioner. However, not only pension funds will be affected by the aforementioned trend, but also healthcare, the economy, the working-age population and many other aspects of modern society.

Today, there are numerous definitions of age that most agree on. However, when it comes to the age limit and the criteria used to classify people in this category, there are different understandings in different countries on different continents.

The longest lifespan was recorded in the case of the French woman Jean Calme, who died in 1997 at the age of 122. In the study, scientists focused on a group of people aged 105 and older in Italy, the country with the highest percentage of very old people per capita. Thus, they avoided the problem of variation in data collection among different legal jurisdictions. Most believe that these data provide the best evidence for the onset of mortality balancing at very old ages in humans.

There are about 500,000 people in the world today who are 100 years old and older – a number that is expected to double every next decade. Even if mortality risk in later life remains flat, the growing number of people over 100 should continue to grow at a rate of one year per decade.

Scientists hope to better understand the causes of the decline in death rates in later life. Some of them believe that too few centenarians and older people are included in the analysis and that therefore the evidence for balancing mortality is not credible.

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Is it possible to overcome death, what the world’s leading scientists tell us

During the entire history of the world, death occupied many scientists who were looking for a solution to prevent it. We present to you one scientist from the present and one from the past who have a positive attitude towards the given problem.

The first one we are talking about is Nikola Tesla, who by all accounts stood out from other scientists because his attitude towards spirituality had its own specificities, but also a peculiarity when he approached metaphysics. He was of the view that the mental component associated with the spirituality of the human being enables progress. This is what set him apart from Einstein who denied the mental component.
Studying the mechanisms of his psychic life, Tesla discovered that a series of images from the “other reality” are always related to events in the “real reality” and that there is a fairly regular correlation.

He managed to come to the realization that his every thought was caused by some external impression.

Tesla tells us:

“Not only thoughts, but also actions are caused in the same way. After some time, it was perfectly obvious to me that I was only an automaton endowed with the ability to move, responding to the stimuli of the sensitive organs and thoughts and acting accordingly. The practical result of this knowledge was, many years later, the discovery of teleautomatic control, the laws of which I finally became aware, although I had previously carried them within me in the form of vague and unfinished ideas.”

Tesla continues and says that “death does not exist, and with this knowledge, the fear of it also disappears. And remember: not a single human that existed died. They turned into light and as such continue to exist. The secret is that those light particles return to their original state. Returning to one of the previous energies. Christ and others knew that secret. I was searching for how to preserve human energy. It is one of the forms of light. In the Soul, it is sometimes equal to the supreme light of heaven . I didn’t search for it for myself, but for the good of everyone. I believe that my discovery will make people’s lives easier and more bearable and direct them to spirituality and morality.

Today, there are scientists who share a sketchy opinion with Tesla, such as Robert Lanza, an assistant professor at the Institute for Regenerative Medicine at Wake Forest University School of Medicine. One of the principles of quantum physics is that certain events cannot be overlooked with one hundred percent certainty. On the contrary, there are a number of possible events, each of which has a different probability of occurrence.
According to the so-called “many-worlds” interpretation, each of these events actually represents one universe, that is, a world. Such a point of view is also supported by the new scientific theory of biocentrism, introduced by Lanza himself, according to which there is an infinite number of parallel worlds. Everything that could ever happen takes place in one of those worlds. For example, if we had four possible choices when choosing a college, although we think we chose only one, all four scenarios actually took place, but each in one of the parallel worlds.

All these worlds exist simultaneously, regardless of what happens in them, but death does not exist in any of these scenarios. Lanza concludes that although our bodies are doomed to self-destruction, that subjective feeling of living “who am I?” it’s just 20 watts of energy emanating from the brain. Given that one of the most certain scientific laws is that energy is never lost, it cannot be destroyed or created, it means that the energy of the feeling of living does not leave with death either
“Everything we see and experience right now is actually a whirlwind of information produced in our brain, and time and space are just the means by which we unite all that information within the same framework,” Lanza points out. It means that we actually live in a timeless and spaceless world, and in such a world death does not exist.

Even Albert Einstein admitted that his old friend “departed this strange world a little before me. It doesn’t mean anything. People like us… realize that the difference between past, present and future is actually just a stubbornly persistent illusion”.

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