Tag Archives: Chinese mosaic

These 12 mysteries science still cannot explain(part one)

How did the screw get into the 300 million year old rock? Why did the builders of the pyramids in Mexico bring material from thousands of kilometers away in Brazil? The world is full of mysteries that scientists cannot yet explain, and here we present some of them.

Chinese mosaic lines

These unusual and beautiful lines were carved in China’s Gansu Sheng desert. Some sources indicate that they were created in 2004, but this has not been officially confirmed. They are located near the Mogao Caves, which are protected as a world heritage. The lines cover a large expanse, but despite the uneven and inaccessible terrain, they retain linear proportions.

A mysterious stone doll

A small human figure was discovered in Nampa (Idaho) during the drilling of a well and caused great interest to scientists in the last century. An indisputable work of human hands, it was found at a depth of 97 meters, which leads to the conclusion that it was created long before the arrival of man in this part of the world.

The first stone calendar

In the Sahara desert, in Egypt, there is the oldest “astronomically arranged stones” in the world: Nabta. More than a thousand years before Stonehenge was created, people arranged stones here in a circle, on the shore of a lake that has long since dried up. More than 6,000 years ago, three-meter-high stones were dragged from a distance of one kilometer. Although the desert in the western part of Egypt is completely dry, this was not the case in the past. There is convincing evidence that there have been several wet periods in the past, the last being 130,000-70,000 years ago. At that time, there was a savanna here, where numerous animal species lived, such as buffalo and large giraffes, various types of antelopes and gazelles.

A 300 million year old iron screw

In the summer of 1998, Russian scientists, who were searching for meteorite remains 300,000 kilometers southwest of Moscow, found a part of the rock, which contained an iron screw. Geologists estimate that the stone is 300-320 million years old. At that time, not only were there no intelligent life forms on Earth, there were no dinosaurs either. The screw, on which the head and groove are clearly recognizable, is about one centimeter long and about three millimeters in diameter.

Sliding stones

Even NASA cannot explain this phenomenon. It is about the stones that slide on the dried lake bed in the American National Park “Death Valley”. Lake Racetrack extends over an area of ​​4 km from north to south and 2 km from east to west and is covered with mud. Stones, sometimes weighing hundreds of kilograms, slide over the sediments, leaving behind grooves, but no one has yet had the opportunity to see when this happened.

The power of the pyramids

The walls of the pyramids of the ancient Mexican city of Teotihuacan are made of the mineral micaschist, although the nearest quarry is thousands of kilometers away in Brazil. Today, this stone is used in technology and energy production, so the question arises as to why the builders went to such lengths to incorporate this material into the walls of their city.

Dog suicides

Overten Bridge, near Milton (Scotland), built in 1859, became famous because of a series of unsolved cases of “suicides” of dogs, who jumped from it into the abyss. The incidents were first recorded in the 50s and 60s of the last century, when it was observed that dogs – usually breeds with elongated muzzles, such as collies – suddenly jump from a bridge 15 meters into an abyss.

A petrified giant

A fossilized Irish giant from 1895, about four meters tall, was discovered in Antrim (Ireland), during blasting in a mine. Interestingly, he has six fingers and toes.

Pyramid from Atlantis

Scientists are still investigating the remains of megaliths found in the so-called the Yucatan Channel, in the waters of Cuba. American archaeologists, who discovered the site, immediately announced that they had found Atlantis.

Giants in Nevada

A Native American legend about 3.6-meter tall red-haired giants who lived in this area before the Indians settled it was confirmed when in 1911 the mummified remains of a giant human jaw were discovered in a cave. In 1931, two skeletons were found in the bed of the lake, one of which was 2.8 and the other 3.5 meters high.

A mysterious wedge

In 1974, an aluminum wedge was discovered under the 20,000-year-old remains of a mastodon on the banks of the Morish River in Transylvania, not far from the town of Ajuda. It was covered with a layer of oxide one millimeter thick, which indicates that it is 300-400 years old. Aluminum is usually found mixed with other metals, but this was pure aluminum. The three-hundred-year-old artifact is a mystery because aluminum was not discovered until 1808.

Loladof’s plate

It is about a 12,000-year-old stone vessel, which Polish professor Sergej Loladof discovered in Nepal. It seems that Egypt is not the only place visited by aliens in ancient times. On the plate is a clearly visible plate in the shape of a UFO, and there is also a being that looks remarkably like “little gray”.

News and Science

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