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25 short facts about Asteroids

Asteroids are small, rocky bodies of solar system that inhabit
Interplanetary space to the orbit of Jupiter. There are millions of them, and they are often grouped by composition. The planetary scientific community calls them small planets, which is a general term applied to the bodies of the solar system less than the month. Asteroids are mainly made of materials left of the formation of the word inward
The solar system.

Most of them circle the sun between Mars and Jupiter, although there are groups that circle closer. Asteroids come in three classes of composition. C-types (chondria) are made of clay and silicate rocks. S-types are so-called rocky asteroids and are made mainly of silicate rocks and blades of nickel and iron. M-types are metal nickel-iron. These categories show how far from the sun are formed in the early solar system.

Introducing you short attractions about Asteroids:

1. Asteroids are small bodies of the solar system that circle around the sun. Made of stone and metal, they can also contain organic compounds (some scientists suggest that their asteroids can bring chemicals necessary to start life on earth).

2. There are millions of them, and they are often grouped by their composition.

3. Asteroids are also called smaller planets or planetoids.

4. There are currently over 600,000 famous asteroids in our solar system.

5. Asteroids are very different in size, some have diameters up to ten meters, while others stretch hundreds of miles. But objects under ten meters in diameter are generally considered meteoroids.

6. Most famous asteroids in the solar system circles around the sun in the belt between the orbit of Mars and Jupiter. This belt is usually called asteroid belt.

7. Asterids are rich with noble metals and other metals, as well as water.

8. Although there are hundreds of thousands of asteroids in the asteroid belt, only about 200 are known to cross 100 km in diameter, which makes most of the asteroids really small facilities.

9. Current theories suggest that the asteroids were found in the ASOTEROID’s belt, the remains of a planet that failed to form during the development of the solar system.

10. Some asteroids have their own months!

11. While the asteroid strikes were more common in the past, today are not so common.

12. Asteroid’s impact has contributed to extinction some 65 million years ago Dinosaurs. (It was one of several factors that influenced the whole life on earth at the time.)

13. In 1801, the Italian astronomer of Giuzepe Pjaci discovered what the new planet believed for what he believed. The newly surfaceed facility called Cerera, according to Roman goddess harvest. Soon after Cerera’s discovery, similar objects were found. It soon realized that these new objects, in fact, are not planets, but some other kind of heavenly body.

14. In addition to the first discovered asteroid, Ceres is also the biggest known asteroid with 933 kilometers in diameter. In 2006, Ceres received the status of a dwarf planet, together with Pluton, Eris, Makemake and Haume.

15. One feature that these objects shared was their resemblance to remote stars seen through the telescopes of that time (1800s). As a result of their similar appearance as the stars, the facilities are called asteroids, which means in the shape of a star.

16. It is believed that an asteroid is about 0.15 kilometers wide above Siberia, causing damage to a radius of hundreds of kilometers.

17. Most asteroids are irregular in shape because they are too small to make enough gravitational attraction to become spherical shape.

18. Asteroids are not the only things that hit the country. Every day, more than 100 tons of materials with asteroids and comets fall to the ground. Most were destroyed by friction as it passes through our atmosphere. If something hit the ground, it is known as a meteorite.

19. The country suffers a shock from the object size of a football field for once in 2000.

20. Some asteroids are actually exploded comets. The Lads disappeared, and all that remains is stone material.

21. Astronomer William Herschel was the first to covers the word asteroid, which means: as a star, 1802.

22. Apollo facilities are asteroids whose orbit exceeds the orbit of the country.

23. Asteroids can be found almost everywhere, they are even on the orbital path of the planet. This means that the asteroid and the planet go the same way around the sun.

24. Even the country has such asteroids that accompany us.

25. There are no two same asteroids! This is because they formed in different locations at different distances from the sun.

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The Supercritical State: What Lies Beneath the Atmospheres of Two Neighboring Planets in the Solar System

Two planets orbiting a tiny star 218 light-years away appear to be unlike any other in the Solar System. Exoplanets Kepler-138c and Kepler-138d have a radius about 1.5 times that of Earth and appear to consist of thick, steamy atmospheres and incredibly deep oceans.

“We used to think that planets slightly larger than Earth were really big balls of metal and rock, like scaled-down versions of our planet, and that’s why we called them super-Earths,”

said astronomer Björn Benneke of the University of Montreal.

“However, these two planets, Kepler-138c and d, appear to be quite different from that concept: a large fraction of their volume is probably water.” “This is the first time we have observed planets that we can confidently say are water worlds of sorts,” he added.

How the composition of exoplanets is determined

Determining what planets outside the solar system, i.e. exoplanets, are made of usually requires a lot of “detective” work. They are very far away and very faint compared to the light of the stars they orbit. It’s very difficult to get direct pictures, and if we do take them, we don’t see a lot of detail in them.
Therefore, the composition of an exoplanet is usually determined on the basis of its density, which is calculated using two parameters – the drop in the brightness of the star during the transit of the planet and the radial velocity of the star, i.e. the so-called oscillation, writes “Science Alert”.

The amount of light blocked during transit indicates the exoplanet’s size, and the star’s radial velocity indicates its mass. Namely, the radial velocity is induced by the gravitational effect of the exoplanet on the star, so the mass of the planet can be determined through this. And once you have the size and mass of the object, you can calculate its density.

What is the density of exoplanets

Gaseous worlds, such as Jupiter, will have a relatively low density, and rocky, metal-rich worlds will have a higher density. At 5.5 grams per cubic centimeter, Earth is the densest planet in the Solar System; Saturn has the lowest density – 0.69 grams per cubic centimeter.
Transit data show that Kepler-138c and Kepler-138d have radii that are 1.51 times that of Earth, and their gravitational pull is twice as massive as our planet.
This means that their density is about 3.6 grams per cubic centimeter; which is between the rocky and gaseous worlds in density. Jupiter’s moon Europa has a similar density (3 grams per cubic centimeter), which is thought to hide a huge ocean under its icy crust.

“Imagine larger versions of Europa or Enceladus, the water-rich moons that orbit Jupiter and Saturn, but are much closer to their star.” “Instead of an icy surface, Kepler-138c and d is surrounded by water vapor,”

said astrophysicist Carolyn Piaulet of the University of Montreal.

Supercritical fluid

According to the expert’s model, more than 50 percent of the volume of these exoplanets is water, which extends to a depth of about 2,000 kilometers. Earth’s oceans, by comparison, have an average depth of 3.7 kilometers.
Kepler-138c and Kepler-138d are much closer to their star than Earth is to the Sun, so they are much hotter. One orbits the red dwarf in 13 days, and the other in 23 days. This means that the oceans and atmospheres there look completely different than on Earth.

“The temperature in the atmospheres of Kepler-138c and Kepler-138d is probably above the boiling point of water, so there seems to be a very dense atmosphere made of steam.” Beneath such an atmosphere is potentially liquid water at high pressure or even water in a second phase that occurs at high pressures, called a supercritical fluid.”

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