Category Archives: Science

Is it possible to overcome death, what the world’s leading scientists tell us

During the entire history of the world, death occupied many scientists who were looking for a solution to prevent it. We present to you one scientist from the present and one from the past who have a positive attitude towards the given problem.

The first one we are talking about is Nikola Tesla, who by all accounts stood out from other scientists because his attitude towards spirituality had its own specificities, but also a peculiarity when he approached metaphysics. He was of the view that the mental component associated with the spirituality of the human being enables progress. This is what set him apart from Einstein who denied the mental component.
Studying the mechanisms of his psychic life, Tesla discovered that a series of images from the “other reality” are always related to events in the “real reality” and that there is a fairly regular correlation.

He managed to come to the realization that his every thought was caused by some external impression.

Tesla tells us:

“Not only thoughts, but also actions are caused in the same way. After some time, it was perfectly obvious to me that I was only an automaton endowed with the ability to move, responding to the stimuli of the sensitive organs and thoughts and acting accordingly. The practical result of this knowledge was, many years later, the discovery of teleautomatic control, the laws of which I finally became aware, although I had previously carried them within me in the form of vague and unfinished ideas.”

Tesla continues and says that “death does not exist, and with this knowledge, the fear of it also disappears. And remember: not a single human that existed died. They turned into light and as such continue to exist. The secret is that those light particles return to their original state. Returning to one of the previous energies. Christ and others knew that secret. I was searching for how to preserve human energy. It is one of the forms of light. In the Soul, it is sometimes equal to the supreme light of heaven . I didn’t search for it for myself, but for the good of everyone. I believe that my discovery will make people’s lives easier and more bearable and direct them to spirituality and morality.

Today, there are scientists who share a sketchy opinion with Tesla, such as Robert Lanza, an assistant professor at the Institute for Regenerative Medicine at Wake Forest University School of Medicine. One of the principles of quantum physics is that certain events cannot be overlooked with one hundred percent certainty. On the contrary, there are a number of possible events, each of which has a different probability of occurrence.
According to the so-called “many-worlds” interpretation, each of these events actually represents one universe, that is, a world. Such a point of view is also supported by the new scientific theory of biocentrism, introduced by Lanza himself, according to which there is an infinite number of parallel worlds. Everything that could ever happen takes place in one of those worlds. For example, if we had four possible choices when choosing a college, although we think we chose only one, all four scenarios actually took place, but each in one of the parallel worlds.

All these worlds exist simultaneously, regardless of what happens in them, but death does not exist in any of these scenarios. Lanza concludes that although our bodies are doomed to self-destruction, that subjective feeling of living “who am I?” it’s just 20 watts of energy emanating from the brain. Given that one of the most certain scientific laws is that energy is never lost, it cannot be destroyed or created, it means that the energy of the feeling of living does not leave with death either
“Everything we see and experience right now is actually a whirlwind of information produced in our brain, and time and space are just the means by which we unite all that information within the same framework,” Lanza points out. It means that we actually live in a timeless and spaceless world, and in such a world death does not exist.

Even Albert Einstein admitted that his old friend “departed this strange world a little before me. It doesn’t mean anything. People like us… realize that the difference between past, present and future is actually just a stubbornly persistent illusion”.

News and Science

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A list of the strangest phenomena in the universe

The universe is constantly surprising us, always destroying what we think we know in every aspect of the endless abyss that surrounds us. Carl Sagan described it best: Somewhere something incredible is waiting to be known. Whenever we go looking for proof of a certain concept or idea, something completely unrelated to what we thought we understood is turned upside down. The universe will naturally contain some of the strangest coincidences and phenomena you’ve ever seen, from unicorn-shaped galaxies and Mickey Mouse-shaped craters on Mercury to nebulae and shooting stars. Here we will look at 6 of the strangest phenomena in the universe!

A 186-year-old tornado on Jupiter

Jupiter’s Great Red Spot is a high-pressure storm on the giant planet Jupiter that is said to be as bad as Earth’s worst hurricanes. It’s so big you could fit three of our Earths in it. In 1979 Voyager 1 took amazing photos of this phenomenon. With these and other photographs of Jupiter, they have allowed scientists to see different colors in the clouds around the Great Red Spot, suggesting that the clouds rotate counterclockwise around the spot at different altitudes. Big red spot
has been observed from Earth for about 400 years as large enough to be seen by ground-based telescopes. In 1665, Giovanni Domenico Cassini is said to have been the first to officially observe this miracle. Obviously this is quite difficult to confirm, but one thing is for sure, this dwindling power plant is dying, getting smaller and smaller over time. Nevertheless, it is still one of the strangest spectacles in the universe.

The largest reservoir of water in space

The largest and most distant reservoir of water in space ever discovered was found in 2011. The water is equal to 140 trillion times the water in Earth’s oceans. Water surrounds a quasar containing a giant black hole called APM 08279+5255 – 20 billion times the size of the Sun and more than 12 billion light-years away. The quasar is powered by a supermassive black hole that slowly engulfs the surrounding gas-filled disk or dust, producing huge amounts of energy. The energy production of this quasar is equal to one thousand trillion suns. All the water vapor in the Milky Way is 400 times less than in this quayar. Water vapor surrounds the black hole in a gaseous circle that reaches hundreds of light years, a light year is about six trillion miles. Although the gas is -53 degrees C and 300 trillion times less dense than Earth’s atmosphere, it is five times hotter and 10 to 100 times denser than what is typical in galaxies like the Milky Way. Measurements of steam and other molecules, such as carbon monoxide, suggest that there is enough gas to feed the black hole until it grows to about six times its mass, but who knows what will happen to it until then.

A supermassive black hole defies science

The largest black hole in the universe was discovered in 2015, J0100+2802 inside the largest quasar, with the highest brightness of any known quasar. J0100+2802 is puzzling astronomers because, with a mass of 12 billion suns and a luminosity of 420 trillion suns, it is 7 times brighter than the previous brightest quasar. It was formed only 900 million years after the Big Bang and should not be anywhere near the size it is for its age. This black hole is located 12.8 billion years away from Earth. Xiaohui Fan, author of the study that discovered this phenomenon, summed up its impressiveness perfectly: “How could a quasar so bright and a black hole so massive form so early in the history of the universe, in an era shortly after the earliest stars and galaxies had just appeared? ” The significance of this finding cannot be understated as it has forced astronomers to rethink their understanding of quasars and their formation.

Diamond planet

55 Cancri e, discovered in 2004, is a planet in the Milky Way that is at least one-third diamond. 55 Cancri e is known as a super-Earth, with a radius twice that of Earth and a mass eight times greater. It orbits its host star, 55 Cancri which is found about 40 light years from Earth in the constellation of Cancer, in just 18 hours, remember it takes Earth 365 days to orbit our Sun.

A big cloud of raspberry flavored rum

Sagittarius B2, a giant molecular cloud of gas and dust found about 390 light-years from the center of the Milky Way, contains massive amounts of ethyl formate. Ethyl formate, a chemical compound, is responsible for giving this behemoth its raspberry and rum scent. Sagittarius B2 has a mass that is 3 million times that of the Sun and spans an area of ​​about 150 light years. Temperatures in the cloud range from 27 degrees C to -233.2 degrees C. Don’t get too excited as there are plenty of other chemical compounds, including propyl cyanide. This alcoholic wonder contains billions of liters of alcohol. The composition of Sagittarius B2 was studied in Spain by astronomers using the IRAM radio telescope. The cloud actually contains enough ethyl alcohol to fill 400 trillion trillion beers. To consume that much, every person on earth would have to drink 300,000 pints every day for a billion years.

A planet of burning ice

Gliese 436 b is a planet about the size of Neptune and was first discovered in 2004. It was found about 30 million light years from Earth and is about 20 times larger. It orbits only 6.9 million kilometers from its star and lasts 2 days and 15.5 hours, while the Earth orbits about 150 million kilometers from the Sun. Gliese 436 b has a minimum surface temperature of 245 degrees C. The water that exists on the planet, known as ice-X, is held together by enormous gravitational forces despite the extreme temperatures. The substance, of course, is not ordinary ice, its compressed water is similar to the way diamonds form from carbon. These forces prevent water molecules from evaporating and escaping the planet, instead becoming tightly packed deep inside.

News and Science

Genius quotes by Hermann Hesse that can change anyone’s outlook on the world.

Hermann Hesse, winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature, died 50 years ago. He is considered one of the most popular German authors in the world, despite the fact that he was written off long ago in his homeland.
He always knew he wanted to be a writer. This was not the case with his parents, his father, a missionary in India, and his mother, the daughter of a missionary, believed that their son should be a priest. He was born on July 2, 1877 in the town of Kalvo, near Stuttgart. As a child, his parents sent him to a Protestant monastery, from where he ran away, unable to cope with the Christian upbringing.

Either a writer or nothing

He wanted to be a writer and nothing else. His journey towards realizing that dream was like an odyssey. He attended various schools, failed to find himself and in a depressive phase at the age of fifteen, he tried to commit suicide. The search for one’s own identity, the difficult process of self-realization – these are themes he returned to in his novels. His works are based on personal experiences, they are self-analytical poetic confessions. Hesse’s biographer Gunnar Dekker explains the interest in his works in the world as follows: “The question of autonomy that goes beyond the religious level. It comes after religious understanding and is not militant and missionary, it is open to other ways of life and other ideas. This is a very present issue in the Arab world.”

Here are some of his most famous quotes:

We are happy only when we do not ask for anything from tomorrow, and from today we gratefully receive what it brings us.

Love does not exist to make us happy. I believe it exists to show us how much we can endure.

The older I got, the less fulfilled I was by the small pleasures that life offered me, and the clearer I understood where to look for the true sources of joy and meaning. I learned that being loved means nothing and that loving is everything, that the ability to feel is what gives beauty and value to our existence.

A hero is one who has the courage to face his destiny.

People who have courage and character are always unpleasant to other people.

But happiness was always where someone knew how to love and lived for his feelings. If he nurtured them, if he did not trample and suppress them, they brought him pleasure. Beauty does not bring joy to the one who possesses it, but to the one who knows how to love and admire it.

Suffering hurts only because you fear it. She’s chasing you because you’re running away from her. You don’t have to run away, you don’t have to be afraid of her. You have to love. So he loves suffering. Don’t resist her, don’t run away from her. Taste how sweet she is in the depths, surrender to her and do not receive her with hatred.

Your hatred is that it causes you pain and nothing else. Suffering is not suffering, death is not death, unless you make them so.

Severity arises from overestimating time. But in eternity there is no time, eternity is just a moment just enough for one joke. The world is beautiful when viewed without the desire to search, simply, like a child.

It is not our goal to become like others, we need to be different from each other, to learn to see people who are different from us and to respect them for who they are.

We have in our soul everything that has ever lived in human souls. All the Gods and devils that have ever existed… they are all within us, they are there as possibilities, as desires, as exits.

News and Science

What we didn’t know before the 21st century

How much smarter are we in this century?

Wondering if we have actually progressed in understanding the world in the 21st century, I present to you a list of seven knowledge that science has brought us in the last few years.
Namely, the world today is significantly different from the one we lived in before 2001. Before the era of social networks, world presidents could not use public networks to advertise, there were no smartphones, and cinemas did not wear 3D glasses. The new coming century increasingly heralded the future century. The new changes were, of course, contributed by various historical processes, old and never resolved colonial challenges, globalization and unstoppable population growth. In addition to the above, we must also include the unpredictable consequences of new technologies such as the development of the Internet, mobile telephony and the use of new materials. While noting that many things were already known, here we did not look back at all the technological breakthroughs in this century, as well as the fact that millions of scientists publish millions of papers every year, the true effect of which will be known in the so-called future.
But the main question here is which seven findings science has undoubtedly reached in this century.
The following list would look like this:

1-Let’s get to know the human genome

At the very beginning of the 21st century, that is, in 2001, projects involving the deciphering of the human genome were announced, and various companies simultaneously entered the race to take the lead in genetic technology. Along with stem cells and nanotechnologies, the understanding of genetics has since changed medicine dramatically, and the consequences of understanding the genome extend to all areas of science.

2-Gravitational waves exist
The spectacular result of the LIGO experiment confirmed in 2016 the existence of gravitational waves that no one could record before, and which Einstein predicted through his theory of relativity. Through a previous experiment in the world of science, Radio-Astronomy was born, a science that studies the movement and changes in radio waves.

3-CRISPR can replace any gene
It is about an exceptional technology that has been intensively researched since 2005. CRISPR is an almost accidentally discovered defense mechanism that bacteria defend and protect against viruses and that enables them to effectively cut intruders from their DNA chain with the help of proteins called CAS, which work like a kind of scissors. The researchers quickly realized that with its help, they could cut out pieces of genetic information without them being viruses. With this, we come to the knowledge that every gene can be replaced with such a procedure, that is, that the given research can be applied to humans as well. Thus, in 2012, a technology called CRISPR/CAS9 was born.

4-Neaderthals in us
A large amount of research has revealed many new things about the life of the Neanderthals who were more intelligent than previously thought. Other new species of our genus Homo were discovered in this century, and thanks to genetic research, a lot was learned about the continuous interbreeding of all these species with the first humans. Since 2010, the Neanderthal genome decipherment project has been launched, with which we will see in the next few years how far the research has reached.

5-Planets above the solar system
Although the first planets were discovered in 1978, after 2009 a real revolution in finding planets outside the solar system began.
The Kepler space telescope has since discovered a large number of so-called exoplanets, planets that orbit other stars in space. To date, up to 3,600 of them have been discovered in more than 2,700 different star systems, and some of them are in the so-called habitable zone. The discovery of seven terrestrial planets in the Trappist-1 star system attracted the most attention in 2017.

6-Water on Mars in a liquid state
They are in space research during the second decade of the 21st century. enormous results have been achieved, and robotic probes have been sent to various worlds in the solar system. The greatest attention was paid to the planet Mars, which in this century will be the goal of the future mission with the first human crew on that planet. Among other information provided by NASA, we learn that in 2013 it announced that the Curiosity robot confirmed that water was in a liquid state on Mars, which opened up the possibility of the existence of microorganisms.

7-There is a particle of God
The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at Cern near Geneva in the summer of 2012 proved the existence of the Hicks boson, which is popularly called the God particle. The salty particle was imaged in proton collisions on two separate detectors and experiments. This largely confirmed the standard model of elementary particles, a theory that describes the structure of matter, for physicists.ž

News and Science

Tension and anxiety as a looming global problem

Anyone who lives and works under conditions of increased psychological stress, short deadlines, numerous obligations, who for a longer or shorter period encounters difficulties in daily functioning – fatigue, exhaustion, low energy, mood, insomnia, overload, tension and anxiety can be a candidate for some of the natural treatments or psychotherapy.

Covid 19, illness and/or death of a close person, business and financial problems, personal and partner problems, loneliness, are according to the results of the CoV2Soul study on a nationally representative sample, the most threatening stressors (wars should also be added to this).

Anxiety is part of a person’s normal response to danger or the threat of danger and is part of the fight-or-flight adaptation to survival.
In contrast, an anxiety disorder is an intense, uncontrollable, and often irrational worry that interferes with daily functioning. The symptoms themselves can be mild, moderate and severe, and the treatment according to our guide implies that dietary supplements with or without psychotherapy can be used for mild and partially moderate symptoms of anxiety, and for more severe symptoms, drugs with or without psychotherapy.

In addition to anxiety, psychological suffering caused by stress also manifests itself in the form of a depressive disorder characterized by low mood associated with a very low level of self-esteem and loss of pleasure or interest in people, things and events that previously made a person happy. You noticed that some of these symptoms are repeated in anxiety and depression and I often like to say “there is no depression without anxiety symptoms, and there is no anxiety without depressive symptoms”.

It is estimated that 15% of people experience a depressive episode during their lifetime, but many people with depression have recurrent or chronic depression, which is a serious and disabling illness.

The best depictions of anxiety can be seen in the paintings of Edward Munch, who manifested this state through his gift for painting.

Treatment with auxiliary drugs is justified for mild and possibly moderate symptoms of anxiety and depression. A potential candidate is anyone who lives and works under conditions of increased psychological stress, short deadlines, numerous obligations, who for a longer or shorter period encounters difficulties in daily functioning – feels tiredness, exhaustion, low energy, mood, insomnia, experiences overload, tension and anxiety.

And finally, how to reduce the impact of stress? Eat and drink in a balanced way, exercise regularly according to your physical capabilities and always in the fresh air, practice relaxation techniques, reduce stress triggers (don’t watch the news, leave time for yourself, set priorities…), learn to say NO or the simplest, get a pet .

News and Science

How many languages in the world will die out by the end of the 21st century

The question arises as to how many world languages will really disappear by the end of the 21st century.
Due to the very development and progress of techno-industrial development, the extinction of the same languages ​​follows, because industrial development itself creates cultural consequences for world languages.
Experts from Pent University tell us that in addition to language extinction, there is also a problem that manifests itself in ourselves, because we are not doing anything about it. According to the analyzes at the given university, we come to the conclusion that more than 50 percent of today’s languages ​​will disappear from the historical scene, and with them the cultures of certain nations.

Most of all, the problem lies in the increasing use of “official languages” such as English, German and French, and thus their insertion into autochthonous cultures dominated by a different linguistic set. Also, according to analyzes conducted in 35 different places in the world, they came to the conclusion that these places have over 1600 languages.
It is very likely that the next generations will replace their language with the most frequently used languages ​​in the world, thus their autochthonous languages ​​will face extinction.
If we were to categorize the most frequently used languages, then it would look like this (according to the number of inhabitants who speak the given language):

  • Mandarin Chinese
  • Hindi
  • Spanish
  • English
  • Arabic
  • Portuguese
  • Bengali
  • Russian
  • Japanese
  • German

News and Science

Really, how many people in the world spend their time working, and how many rest?

The title of the biggest workers in Europe is held by the Austrians, the Japanese are being forced to go on vacation, while the French are being asked to return to work, the survey showed. The Japanese are the nation that enjoys vacations the least in the world and are reluctant to leave the workplace to laze around, while the French are the biggest fans of resting and enjoying the days of leisure and the five-week annual vacation, equally for everyone regardless of seniority and level of education.

In Japan, people work for seventy hours a week, and the Japanese spend only nine days out of work out of a two-week holiday, while the French have only 34.5 days of the five weeks, according to a scientific study. In European countries, the least paid annual leave is determined by law, while in the US this role is assigned to company management.

So we come to know that people in the USA go on vacation in the period from April 13 to 22, while they use only the 14th day of the 17th annual vacation.
On the other hand, people who work in New Zealand take all 17 vacation days compared to people in the US.
When we talk about Europe, people who are citizens of Denmark, Germany and Norway like to go on vacation the most. On average, people from all three countries take a month off from work each year. Other countries, such as Spain and Sweden, use only 20 to 25 days of annual leave out of their 32 days of vacation.
When we look back at the average working hours in Europe, we come to a considerable variety of working hours. The list of countries with the shortest working hours includes France, which fixed the early hours of its citizens at 35 hours a week. On the list, after France come the Dutch, Danes, Belgians and Germans, whose average is 38 to 40 hours in the early week. In general, in other European countries, the average varies from company to company.

If we were to choose the countries with the highest average working hours, then it would certainly be Japan and China, where annual free days are used the least. The average number of days off during the year is on a scale from 10 to 15 days. Accordingly, the aforementioned countries introduced a law that workers can use additional days off, so Japan established a law that according to the increase in seniority, an increase in annual leave follows, while China, in addition to the 15 days off, also counted days during public holidays .