People who wake up with an alarm are more tired than those who wake up in a natural way

People who need an alarm to wake up in the morning are generally more tired than those who wake up without it, the results of an American study conducted on 450 employees working in offices in the United States, in which scientists measured the length of sleep and heart rate with the help of portable devices.

57 percent of them woke up with the help of an alarm and, as a rule, they were more tired than those who woke up naturally because the alarm disturbed their natural sleep cycle,

announced scientists from the University of Notre Dame in Indiana, reports Euronews.

In contrast, people who woke up naturally slept longer and consumed less caffeine on a daily basis. Also, they felt less tired during the day.

When we wake up naturally, scientists explain, the body activates the “stress response” shortly before waking up in order to prepare us for it and wake us up.

While waking up with the ringing of the alarm, that natural response of the organism is then skipped and this leads to the interruption of the sleep cycle.

The most affected by fatigue are the so-called night birds, the people who use the alarm to wake up in the morning the most, according to research published in the journal Sleep.

With the morning alarm, we should first think that it is time to get up, and not that we should sleep longer and silence the alarm, because we will not solve the lack of sleep if we press the snooze button.

Those five or 15 minutes of sleep that we get after pressing “snooze”, i.e. delaying the alarm, will undoubtedly not give us the best we should get from the sleep process – the study states.

Snooze the alarm plays no role, Notre Dame professor Aaron Striegel says in the journal Sleep.

The purpose of this research was partly the desire to demystify what happens in such cases. It’s problematic if you need an alarm because it means you’re chronically sleep-deprived,

says Striegel.

News and Science

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