Is there a pattern to how people fall in love with each other?

Often when we fall in love we cannot explain our choice, this does not mean that there is no explanation for it, but that we should dig deeper. Every man and every woman has an inner opposite, said the Swiss psychiatrist Carl Gustav Jung.

Carl Gustav Jung was born in 1875 in Caseville, Switzerland, the son of a Protestant minister. During his high school education, he first wanted to study archaeology, then philology, and finally opted for medicine. After completing his medical studies in Basel, he decided to specialize in psychiatry. After he received his doctorate and became an assistant professor at the University of Zurich, he married Emma Rauschenbach, with whom he had five children and who was his collaborator for the rest of his life.

The year 1907 represents a turning point in Jung’s life. That year he met Sigmund Freud in Vienna. On that occasion, they talked for a full 13 hours. The admiration was mutual. Jung said that Freud was the first significant man he met. However, in 1912 there was a divergence due to conflicts on the theoretical and personal level. After that, Jung founded his own, analytical or complex psychology, in order to point out the difference in relation to psychoanalysis.

When Jung tells us about male-female relationships, he says that a man has a female part, and a woman has a male part – this is a hidden code by which we unconsciously search for our partner.. Here is his precise quote: “Each man carries within himself the eternal image of a woman, not the image of this or that particular woman, but a particular female image. This image is the imprint or “archetype” of the experience of all female ancestors, the repository, so to speak, of all the impressions that women have ever acquired.”

Carl Gustav Jung called the female part in a man “anima”, and the male part in a woman – “animus”. From this it follows that in the human soul there is that “other half” that all people want so much to find in the outside world. And this also means that each person carries in his soul the image of the partner with whom he will be happy and whom he will love.

That is why love with another person happens suddenly, and she cannot explain the reason for her choice. After all, the picture in our soul is vague and defies any logic, analysis or explanation. And love happened because the outer woman matched some part of the image of his inner woman. And there lies the main unsolvable problem: no external woman will ever fully correspond to this internal image, but it can only be some features and character traits that associate us with the woman from the internal image.

Although there are those similarities, the rest of that person can be completely unacceptable to a man and this is one of the main reasons why we say we fall in love with the wrong people. This is the reason for constant quarrels and conflicts between lovers and futile attempts to change partners. Every person unconsciously wants to change his partner because of that vague image of an ideal partner that he carries in his soul. But no one has ever succeeded in this. However, the attempts do not stop, and each new one brings additional disappointment.
Below are additional quotes from Jung that are mutually related to male-female relationships:

I can’t love anyone if I hate myself. This is the reason why we feel so extremely uncomfortable in the presence of people who are distinguished by their special morality, because they radiate an atmosphere of self-inflicted torture. It is not a virtue but a vice.

The creative mind plays with the object it loves.

Where love reigns, there is no will to power: and where power prevails, love is lacking. One is the shadow of the other.

Without love, nothing is possible…because love makes a person willing to risk everything.

Your vision will become clear only when you look into your heart. Who looks beyond his heart-dreams. Who looks inside the heart – wake up.

News and Science

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